About the Blog

I prefer not to make posts about every episode of an anime. To me, that’s silly. Sometimes I may post about single episodes, but generally I like to review an entire series. Hopefully that will help you decide whether or not you want to watch it,  without giving all sorts of spoilers and spam.

I’ll rate animes with one of the following:

Must Watch – Worth Watching – Give it a Chance – Don’t Bother – WTF is this I don’t even

For Example:

Must Watch – Mahou Shouko Madoka Magica


       There’s no question about why Madoka became a hit, despite only being twelve episodes. There’s moe, there’s the classic magical girls we all love with transformations and sparkles and cute weapons. Then Shaft adds in that “wtf” that they’re so famous for, and you get alternate worlds with brilliantly bizarre artwork. Then there’s the plot, which involves an adorable rabbit-thing that steals little girls’ souls, and deep questions about the world that one would never expect from the cute girls in the cast. Then there’s some seriously trippy twists at the end, and the result is an anime epic that will never be forgotten.

Worth Watching – Chihayafuru


       This is a show about a card game, called Karuta. As with any anime about such a defined subject, Chihayafuru is about much more than cards. Chihaya is a girl that has found a purpose in life, doing something that most people don’t find to be a good use of time. She devotes herself wholly to it, and is bad at almost everything else in her life. Her character is wonderful, and very relatable, as she struggles to succeed. There’s also just a slight tinge of romance, the kind that’s obvious but not so clearly present, and therefore all the more adorable. It’s definitely the sort of show that’ll brighten your day!

Give it a Chance – Black Rock Shooter (TV anime)


       Many people were expecting great things from this show, and came out disappointed. I’m here to argue that this show wasn’t nearly as bad as most people said, but it wasn’t fantastic either. The “other world” fight scenes were definitely well animated, and visually engaging. Without a doubt, they were the best part of the show. However, the plot was…  a little lame. The girls are having trouble making friends, and their teacher makes their problems worse in order to make their other selves fight. Unfortunately, the “bestest friends forever” stuff was pushed way, way too hard. All of their problems essentially come from the girls not trusting their friends enough. Despite that, I enjoyed how they lost their minds and the interesting ending. Give it a shot.

Don’t Bother – Kakurenbo

I can’t stress enough that you need give no attention to this, ever. Essentially, these kids are playing hide and seek in this lost city, and when someone is “it” they are the “oni” (demon). Essentially these kids are running around being attacked by demons. But the animation… was so bad… that I could barely bring myself to finish it. It was like a really bad game cut scene. Maybe there’s someone out there with something good to say about it, but I’ve got nothing.

WTF is this I don’t even! – Cat Soup


      And this category was literally made for this anime. It’s pretty much a bad drug trip. It’s about cats, one of which only has half a soul, and they’re trying to get the other half back… I think. Then there’s a circus and god changes time and there’s a flood and a draught and a dude tries to make them into soup. I think. If any anime could give me nightmares this would probably be it, just due to its sheer WTF-ness. And yet, I’m sort of glad it exists, despite the fact I’ll probably never be able to watch it again.

——Thank you!

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